We love being your farmers. 

Why we do what we do:

Food Security for Middle Tennessee

Oh My Gourd Farm is owned and operated by two Middle Tennessee natives, so the long term well-being of our community is incredibly important to us. We want to do our part by making sure that our community has healthy, accessible food, grown in ways that are healthy for us and for the planet.

We couldn’t stop if we tried .

Farming is our passion. It’s what we would be doing if we won the lottery. We, however, have not won the lottery, so we very much hope that you tell your friends about us! :)

Locally Grown Flowers

Sure, flowers are beautiful and make amazing gifts, but did you know that if you aren’t buying your flowers from a farmer or a locally owned market, you are probably buying flowers that were imported from another country? No wonder they go bad so quickly. They have jet lag!

When you buy flowers that were grown locally, they last a LOT longer in the vase. You also get to feel great about keeping your money in your local economy. That’s a win win!

Land Stewardship

It’s important to us that our food is grown in ways that give back to the land rather than taking from it. We take care of our soil and it takes care of us right back. By tending to our property’s ecosystem- working with it instead of against it- we are able to grow high quality produce and flowers without the use of any synthetic fertilizers or pesticides.